by Don Gray | Aug 2, 2023
This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about ways of approaching problems (and yourself!) than should be possible in a week.
by Don Gray | Aug 2, 2023
Learn about yourself, learn how to learn about others, grow a more human world.
by Don Gray | Aug 2, 2023
PSL helps by focusing your teamwork out, and in. It gives you new tools and insights for self improvement and being a better leader.
by Don Gray | Aug 2, 2023
PSL is a workshop designed to challenge you and your concept of leadership in a way that is centered in empathy and growth.
by Don Gray | Aug 2, 2023
PSL is for people who have the time and energy to learn and grow. It provides a space to practice and experience leadership, along with mental models and a vocabulary to make sense of it.