Influencing Requires a Relationship

To generate a result that exceeds our limits, we need other people to join our cause. We use influence to get others on board with us. Many ways to influence others exist.

Recall when someone influenced you to join their cause. What influenced you? Often the relationship the other person has with you forms a major component in your decision. While work connections play a role, personal connections greatly impact the overall relationship.

Several years ago Esther and I visited a client site. As we made our rounds meeting managers and teams, I watched Esther create a connection. In less than five minutes, the conversation left work topics to how foggy London gets, how much the two enjoyed travel.

As you think about your influence network, consider the following questions:

  • Do you make an effort to weave relationship development into work and day-to-day actions? If you have concern for others and make connections outside work-based roles, you promote trust and a belief in your integrity.
  • Do you do what you say you are going to do? People are energized by a specific task or goal only if they can believe in the integrity of the other person (or people) involved.
  • Do you address tough issues with integrity and sincerity? People are energized in the presence of others who stand for something larger than themselves.

(questions from The Hidden Power of Social Networks)

by Don Gray


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